It’s no secret that I love reading with my son (and now daughter, so what if she’s only a few months old?!). It’s always been a very special time for us. Now that he’s at the age where he’s ‘reading’ back, it just swells my heart.
This week’s Mommy Monday post is dedicated to a few new blogs I’ve come across thanks to Twitter (I love you Twitter).
Literacy Launchpad is written by a mommy who encourages her son, and other preschoolers, to love reading and finds fun ways for parents and children to enjoy the reading experience. Reading corners (‘book nooks’), toys that encourage literacy and hands on reading activities are some of the posts I’ve been enjoying.
The other site I came across was Infant Bibliophile. When I first read the blog I thought “Where has this been?!”. It’s a constant list of reviews on children’s books – from the parent’s perspective and the infant bibliophile. How fantastic! While I like to know what us parents think about children’s books, at the end of the day no matter how much I may love a book, he will be drawn to certain ones on his own. For example, when reviewing a car book she writes “Midway through the book is a two-page spread with 9 colorful cars, and he likes pointing at those while I count them, or having me quiz him to find a particular colored car.” I appreciate the detail in these reviews.
And finally, while I’ve mentioned Allie at No Time for Flashcards before, her site is worth a mention again when it comes to books and literacy. She always is reviewing some new and interesting books that I wouldn’t otherwise be aware of, and I think it’s really handy how she pairs books with craft or alphabet projects. Also, she was the one who introduced me to the Infant Bibliophile blog!
Read to your children. Please. It’s one of the greatest things we can do with them.
Find these wonderful parents on Twitter: @Literacylaunch @NTFFC @I_Bibliophile