When my son was born and I started my career as a stay at home mom, I found myself with far more free time than I had in a while. Despite our struggles to breastfeed at first, his sleeping demands (good sleeper, high maintenance to fall/stay asleep) he napped multiple times a day and was quite content to sit on my lap and chat while awake (which really, wasn’t often in the beginning).
Eventually, and quite early on, he developed a fairly typical routine. At least 3 naps, lasting from 1-2 hours each. I would often use the first morning nap to expand my love affair with the internet and the many mom resources out there. Nap number 2 would be cleaning/supper prep or small projects, and nap number 3 was my nap time too. (note: for the first 1-2 months, I slept almost all the naps at the same time. I really did sleep when baby slept! Or, I ate least relaxed with tv etc).
But I look back so fondly on that free time while he slept. Now with two, I don’t think I realize just how good I had it. The house was a lot cleaner. Supper was done and cleaned each night. Laundry caught up. I read books and magazines, watched shows (full series of Saved by the Bell, The Cosby Show, the OC and Arrested Development included 😉 and learned about blogs, mom sites, forums, products, health news etc. I was also very active with my charity work.
Now, free time doesn’t come quite as easily but I am still lucky. With my husband at home on parental leave, we can make sure each of us gets some free time. I am afforded my internet time still because when I put the baby to sleep she goes happily and easily so I can check email, tweet etc. while he and the Boy play.
I don’t watch as much TV (mostly at night, during the day we chase a toddler around!) or read as much as I would like (except online reading which is mostly done horizontally while I nurse the babe). Morning coffee is had on the go or while playing a game with the Boy and husband, but with him home I have constant adult interaction.
However, there is one piece of free time that I especially miss now that we are far busier with two children. During the Boy’s first nap, usually around 9 am or so, I would make a cup of instant coffee (we didn’t have our fancy Krups espresso/coffee maker at the time), bring it downstairs and in the quiet surf the net, send and check emails, read the paper and sip on my hot coffee. It was all about me, freedom and warmth. I would listen to his breathing on the monitor, waiting for him to call for me. To this day, I can’t smell instant coffee without thinking about that first year of his babydom and that time. I am fond of those memories and the baby thoughts that simple smell brings to me.
What do you like to do with your free time? Do you get enough free time (is that even possible with young children?)