I wish I could say I have a specific hobby, but I don’t. If you consider blogging a hobby, then I do, but I like to think that someday my writing will be less a hobby and something more meaningful. Tweeting? I am a hobby enthusiast if that counts. I’ve dabbled in sewing. And I do like to shop (what, that doesn’t count?).
I was talking to a friend and she scrapbooks. I know a lot of people who scrapbook. But I don’t get it. The paper, exact placement of stickers, the ‘it takes 2 hours to do a page thing’ I don’t get. I LOVE how it looks in the end, but can’t commit the time to the detail (and she was kind enough to tell me about online scrapbooking which I should do, but let’s see if I start).
I feel I want a hobby. I always said that I wished I was amazing at some hands-on skill or craft that I could turn into a business. But alas, while I am okay at certain things (sewing, painting, crafting) I’m not passionate or incredibly talented at them.
So what’s your hobby? Maybe it’s something I should look into too! 😉
And, as I complete this post I realize that cooking may be a hobby – trying new recipes, experimenting…does that count?