Holy blogging hiatus Batman.
My writing has been obviously lacking of late – but for good reason. We flew to Thunder Bay to surprise my mom (my dad actually kept it a secret) for a visit. It was shocking, fun, the kids had a blast and we were really happy we could spend the time.
My husband’s last week of parental leave is this week. He goes back to work on Monday. I knew it would come. But I don’t feel ready. I’ll miss him. And yes, I’ll miss the sleeping in, the daytime appointments/plans without the kids (or only 1), the long breakfasts (that he cooked)…but really, I am going to miss HIM and his company. I’m not going to think about it until Monday. Gah!
So, I do have some great posts coming up – it’s now the holiday season (don’t look at me like that, it so is!) so I have some posts about gift suggestions that I really like (or will be getting the kids this year), I’m going to write about my trip to see my parents and I have a review – and giveaway! – coming up.
I will be getting back to writing. Soon. I promise.
Hope everything is going well with you!