Happy New Year! Okay, seriously, at what point do I stop saying that? I’m done now (unless I see you online or in person for the first time since 2009, then I may say it. But if it’s March and I do that, feel free to slap me 😉
I’ve never done the whole New Year’s Resolution thing. It always just seemed like one more thing I’d forget to do or give up on or get annoyed with. Plus, I never could think of really good ones other than ‘be a better person’ and that should just be an everyday thing (stop laughing 😉
So instead, I think I need some goals for 2010. But first, I will say a fond farewell to 2009. It was a good year. Really, a fantastic year for me and my family. The birth of my daughter, my husband off on parental leave with us for 9 months, the start of my Blog (and chatting with many of you on Twitter or via your blogs). It was fulfilling, rewarding and full of joy.
Now, I am beginning a new year. A new DECADE. Holy cow, that’s pretty crazy. Here are a few of my goals for this year.
1-Balance my online ‘me’ time better. I want to maintain this blog, build my freelance writing that I’ve started doing (yay!), read and comment on other blogs (there are so many fabulous ones) and go on Twitter. I usually have 2 hours at night at least after the kids are asleep to do all that. But I’m either too tired to write or get sucked into Twitter. I need to balance that time to write and read blogs. At least it’s something I like to do. Hang on, gotta check Twitter…
2-Update and improve my blog look/feel and writing. I look forward to working on helping it grow (which is very exciting to me!).
3-Respond to emails promptly. Okay, here’s the thing. I will be putting babe to sleep or checking emails quick, read the email, close down stuff or get busy with something else and totally forget about responding. For weeks. Or ever. Hey, that nice email you sent me with info for me to read? I read it – just forgot to respond. In the email world, I suck. The funny thing is, when I was working, I was awesome at it. I had things flagged and ready to respond. So I need to figure out a better response system! Also, if you emailed me in 2009 and I did not respond, feel free to resend – and I’m sorry 😉
4-Stay on top of the housework. Do you hear that? That weird, strange laughter/crying? That’s my husband who just read number 3.
5-Make Rack of Lamb. You know I love cooking, I love trying new recipes. But I’ve never done rack of lamb. Leg yes, not the rack. I will try (and hopefully master!) it this year.
6-Continue to spend as much quality time with my husband and kids as possible. This one I’m adding because I try to do it everyday (as an at home mom, I see everyone a lot!) but I want it to keep being quality time, which is something we all did very well in 2009. These three people are my world and if they aren’t happy, I won’t be. Plus, they make me a better person each day. (Remember, I said that ‘being a better person each day’ is an everyday thing? Some days I’m better at it than others 😉
7-Get more sleep. Ha. It felt good to write it.
What are some of your goals this year? Also, think I can keep these? With the exception of cooking lamb, I think that all other goals can be achieved with one word: Organization.