My kids crack me up. On Sunday, we took them on a day trip to picnic, run around, play and just have a lot of fun. In those moments, it’s so easy to really get a sense for what great people they are. And boy, do they make us laugh.
The baby toddler makes the most adorable faces – including what is best described as Blue Steel (think Zoolander) and a squishy-smiley face that sums up her personality. She rarely is serious – she tries to make us laugh on purpose.
She also has quite the vocabulary – mama, dada, papa, nana (nursing), out, up, down, ball, book, dog, more, bird, and a variety of animal sounds. Love. It.
Meanwhile, my son has really started to come into his own. While he is timid and shy in certain settings, he is anything but when surrounded by family and friends with whom he his comfortable. He is a baseball star (what? I can say it 😉 and loves to play. Over and over. He even pretends to be (insert ball player from the Detroit Tigers here) and ‘air pitches’ or ‘air hits’ (swinging/throwing nothing but pretending) for fun.
He is also a rocker. If the sight of a 3.5 year old air guitaring to Paradise City or You Give Love a Bad Name doesn’t make you laugh, or at least smile, I don’t know what will. Especially when the ‘guitar’ is actually a hockey stick and the ‘microphone’ is either a wooden spoon, toy mic, or baseball bat.
These little guys have real personality. No matter how much I love them (and that is a lot) I also know that it’s pretty cool how much I LIKE them.
Do your kids have any little quirks that are their own that make you laugh?
Their personalities are SO FUN to discover. And I find it more entertaining with the second because the differences make it even more interesting. X’s greatest joy right now is anything hockey. How can that be at 15mos, but it consumes his every waking thought. He takes that little hockey stick everywhere, to bed, in the bath, to dinner. It’s permanently attached to him.
Fun, happy post Rebecca!
Great post, thanks! Maybe you could do a follow up article about this?
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