Yes. I actually call pyjamas ‘pyjama bamas’ when speaking to the kids. They are also pjs, jay-jays and sometimes jammies.
I love pyjamas. Mine are an ugly ecletic mix of yoga pants, flannels (a husband’s favourite right?), old tshirts, nursing combos and random checkered pj pants. They are sometimes my uniform for the day. My pjs have to be a certain way – typically pants or capris, long sleeve shirt with no zippers, buttons or strings (a co-sleeping preference) and if possible, easy to nurse from.
Most nights I don’t match.
The kids get fresh pjs each night too. They typically eat breakfast in them so inevitably there’s food on them by the end. Plus, there is nothing better than fresh pjs right? Also, I have a thing for kids’ pyjamas. I think they are adorable, and while I tend not to buy a lot of clothes at random for the kids, I can’t resist new jays.
This lends itself to a large pile of laundry. Fresh pyjamas each and every day, plus at least one outfit, is a lot.
But it’s worth it!
How about you? What’s your favourite pj outfit? Do you do extra laundry to have fresh pyjamas? Do you wear pyjamas?? (seriously, how people do this is beyond me, at night my body temperature drops to minus 40 it seems, and I don’t care how many ‘hot’ bodies are with me. Wait…)
Baby boy has soooo many sleepers he didn’t get to wear all
his 0 to 3 month before growing out of them! 2 drawers full!! I love fresh pj’s every day too. DH will wear his for a few days, saying they aren’t dirty because he was just sleeping, and I can’t stand it lol. I try to wear matching pjs but since babe has arrived it’s whatever I happen to grab. It’s not like my nights are full of romance with an infant in the bed 😉
Baby boy has soooo many sleepers he didn’t get to wear all
his 0 to 3 month before growing out of them! 2 drawers full!! I love fresh pj’s every day too. DH will wear his for a few days, saying they aren’t dirty because he was just sleeping, and I can’t stand it lol. I try to wear matching pjs but since babe has arrived it’s whatever I happen to grab. It’s not like my nights are full of romance with an infant in the bed 😉
V wears her jammas for about 3 days before they get changed or spilled on. She insists that they match tho so that’s been a bit of a challenge, seeing as up until we had her I didn’t wear jams, I’m not one for keeping them all straight and a pair of knit shorts and teeshirt to me are just as good as pjs.
I’m more of a take off the bra and sleep in whatever teeshirt I had on sort of gal, and I do now have some jamma bottoms for those chilly winter nights.
I usually like pj’s but since I’ve been nursing it’s just easier to sleep without during the summer. My DH gets so hot that it’s like having a furnace in the bed anyhow! My 3.5 year old insists on wearing new pj’s every night! She loves her nightgowns so anytime I see a particularly cute one, I have to buy it for her 🙂
In our house we call them jams. And mine are like yours — mismatched, a combination of things. I was thinking to myself recently that I should buy some nice jams. Nothing too fancy, just something nice, cotton and matching. In the end I didn’t because I have so many jams at home, I just couldn’t justify the purchase! Also, at Christmas, the kids love to buy me jams for some reason.