February is heart month. It’s a time to promote awareness for the number 1 killer of women in Canada. You’ll likely be reading a lot of posts, magazine articles etc. about heart health. Please take the time to read it.
At 31 I haven’t had to battle with weight problems or major health concerns. I choose to eat fairly healthily and when I slip and enjoy my junk food, I don’t feel much guilt. When I was in highschool and early 20s I was rather active, playing sports a lot especially. But I was never a ‘gym’ person.
I went a few times sporadically for the years but nothing drove me back. Eventually, after having the kids, I started relying on games of tag and chase with them to count as my exercise.
That can’t be good enough. I know I need more cardio exercise, more heart active stuff. I don’t have to run a marathon or become the most in shape person I know. But, I do need to do more.
So I’ve started going to the gym. With the new one opening in my neighbourhood (and it has everything) that was the first incentive. My husband loves going. He really likes it. I have to force myself.
I know the benefit. I know it’s good for me, now, to get into an exercise routine. I sleep better and will have more stamina the more I go.
I’ve been trying to go three times a week, doing 30-40 minutes on the eliptical machine. I feel like I’ve done a work out, my heart races and I feel good.
But what is an ideal program for me? I have no idea. Is that enough? Just right? Any insight?
It’s also a mental time-out for me. I am alone with my thoughts, or random tv show to watch. It’s quiet. I like that.
There is one main thing I don’t like: The insecure fourteen year old girl still hidden inside me hates the ‘changing in front of others to get in the shower’ part. Undressing, getting a towel on (discretely), showering, getting back, changing again – all while hiding bits and parts that I tend to not want to share.
Yes, no one is looking. I get it. But when others are dropping their towels and carrying on a conversation I’m at a bit of a loss.
I think if I can over come that part, I’ll really start to enjoy the gym. Just don’t look me in the eye if you see me there, especially in the locker room 😉
Are you a gym goer? Classes or machines? (notice I didn’t mention classes – it’s my intention to do them,I just haven’t yet!)
I’m a gym goer. I’m actually just getting back into it. I try to go three times a week as well but I’m getting up at 5am to be there when they open at 5:30. I work out for about 30min (just cardio so far eventually I’ll start doing the circuit again) and then I zip back home to get ready for work.
If you have such an issue about using the shower, don’t use it. Go home and shower. I have never ever used a shower in a gym. One, who knows how clean they are and 2 it is such a PITA to have to bring all the stuff you need to shower WITH you.
Good luck with your new adventures towards greater heart health 🙂
Rebecca, I’m a gym goer but only started being one a few years ago. I have a buddy and that’s what works for me. It definately keeps me going regularly and I know it works that way for her as well. We walk on the tread mill for 30 mins., chatting the whole time and then we do 20 minutes of weights and finish with 10 minutes of stretching. I agree with Carrie about the shower. I follow a routine that was provided by a trainer. That helps a lot because I used to go into the room and not have a clue where to start or even how to use half the machines.
Good luck! You’ve made a good start.
I used to be a gym person and then I gave up my membership and now time is an issue. I also need to do something, and soon. Since returning to work I can feel the difference in my mood and I am tired a lot more. I think it is mostly from sitting around at work all day long. I will probably start running again soon. When I did go to the gym I loved the classes. But I was also a fan of doing a weights circuit and the stair climber. The stair climber was hard but so worth the effort!
Never go to the gym but the buddy system and a class usually works best for me. Find someone to go with and something to go to. Pay for it and feel obligated… But dont over book yourself. For me.. Once a week works well, its fair for DH and DDs who are still very young.
the evenings are hard to get away with the kids. Going is less the problem, I have the chance, I just don’t always want to! I’m happy when I do go though.
Buddy system is a good idea!
I have to admit, I love working out. But I don’t got to a gym, over the years I’ve built up a great home gym, slowly adding things as we can afford it.
I usually work out 3-5 times a week. I’ve been increasing my weight training while decreasing my cardio time (if you’re interested, you could google High Intensity Interval Training) to just 20 minutes twice a week.
You should consider doing a session with a trainer to learn more about the weight machine’s. Using them will help increase your bone density, will give you some definition and it doesn’t have to take much time. And though it’s not an issue for you now, as we age, our metabolism does slow down and increasing your muscle mass (no, it won’t actually get big!) will help keep your metabolism high. Anyhow, that’s just my five cents!
I love the time alone to just be me and not have to worry about other things. I always PVR my favorite cheesy shows that my husband won’t watch with me and workout while watching them.
I need to workout regularly and I haven’t figured out what I actually will do yet. I am so not inclined to get a gym membership because I don’t believe I’ll make it worth the expense. Aie aie aie! It’s hard isn’t it?
I have tried the gym numerous times over the years, and have finally decided I am not a gym person. I think it stems from my formative years being very active on my own with sports and my farm/stable.
I tried a local gym when I was living in the country and in between rides on horses, and gave it up after a week when the gym operator would come in and watch me walk on the treadmill. Ick-ick-ick.
I tried a chain gym twice, and both times got really turned off by the high-pressure sales for PT sessions. The first time, I caved and bought 6 sessions, only to have the trainer yell at me for being “gross and fat” and telling me I was doomed if I didn’t stop drinking orange juice. The second time I vowed no PT, and got bugged each time I came for a workout, even having one guy pull out my earbud while I was lifting weights to talk to me. Seriously guy? I stopped going and complained.
The change rooms never bothered me really, I’m not a shy person like that, but I did get grossed out by the showers and cleanliness on a regular basis. I prefer my own shower. I miss the sauna, however…
What works for me now is just getting out there. Before I got pregnant with #2 (Due in March) I was power-walking around my neighbourhood using RunKeeper on my iPhone. It was motivating, I was seeing results (lost 40 pounds!), and it was “my time” in the evenings after dinner while my hubby put our son to bed. I got fresh air, I got to see neighbours, enjoyed remarking on changes to their gardens etc. I am hoping to re-start that once the baby is old enough to be left for an hour with hubby.
I did also enjoy Yoga on the Hill this past summer. I want to do that again.
Bits, good for you girl. I am so unmotivated lately. I can’t even make it down the stairs to the treadmill in my basement! And I concur. The change room can be an awkward place. I am NOT good at holding a normal conversation with a naked person. Put on some underwear and THEN we’ll talk!
I honestly wish I had more time to exercise. Unfortunately it is the last thing I make time for. I have tried the gym thing and it isn’t for me. I purchased a few DVDs and I find I am really good for a couple of weeks and then something happens and I stop doing them. I think a little bit of exercise is great, I just wish I had more time for it. Rebecca I think it great that you fit in 30 minutes. Something is always better than nothing. Also just taking the kids for a walk or playing with them outside is also a great workout.
I am at the gym just about every day (I take weekends off). I started with Zumba classes over 2 yrs ago and quickly became addicted to
them. I now go to 4 classes per week for that. Very good cardio workout.
Last month I decided to add body pump back into my routine ( I had gone to classes a while back but got bored). Now I do 3 classes per week. I had built up last month starting with 1, 2, then 3. I don’t like doing the weight machines, so this class is perfect for me.
So 7 hrs a week from Mon-Fri. I am considering adding more in the spring, but I am working in my endurance in body pump first.
Classes are obviously the way to go for me. I found a class I truly loved and could not stop going. It became a routine, habit for me and I rarely let anything interrupt my gym time. It led my dh to doing almost the same thing, but his choices are body combat and extra strength.
Good luck and try out everything. You never know what may lead you to a gym obsession like ours!
I’m so bad about going to the gym! I had a really good routine going last April up until… oh… BlogHer. Then after that I got lazy and stopped. It’s bad of me, but I diet/work out only before a trip or an event. I know I have to make it a life long thing, a routine that lasts more than a few months! I have no excuses – the GoodLife is a couple blocks from my work and I can go at lunch time. I did something good for my heart this year, though. I quit smoking. And I was worried I’d be tempted on vacation recently but I was not, and I remained smoke free.
I am gym junkie. I love my zumba classes, my body pump classes and the treadmill.
I have been running since I turned 40 and after completing two half marathons I decided to try triathlons. I will always place “at the bottom” (I am no athlete) but I love cross training and the challenge. Have you tried a class?
I love the workouts I can do at the gym, but I’m very much the same as you when it comes to changing – so I either go in my workout clothes or head to the bathroom to change. I know it’s all women but I’ve never been comfortable with being very exposed in front of others. I’m not a fan of classes either tho I wish I could get into them. 🙁 I hope yiuu learn to love it. It *is* such a good thing to do for yourself.
Hi.. must have missed this one! a little late for a comment, but then.. better late than never… I am a personal trainer and although I have my own very personal facilities, I have worked with gym owners and have trained many personal trainers in the business of fitness. You are not alone with the problem of what to do now that you’re there, what do you need, how do you get it done.. I strongly suggest you speak with a fitness pro to help you build the exact program catered to your needs. Not the cookie cutter format, something just for you. Barring that, I suggest you join some classes. You’ll meet like minded moms like yourself and you’ll get the benefit of learning new moves, what works for you, what doesn’t.. it’s a great way to rev up your workouts and have some fun with it.
Thanks! I probably would benefit from that one on one time. Motivation to go is very hard!