Once upon a time (pre children), I went to bed at a decent hour, usually 10 pm, maybe 11 pm depending on the show I was watching. I would wake (reluctantly) just after 6 to get ready and out the door for work. I always felt like I needed more sleep, but then again, on the weekend I could sleep in until 10 am and have a Sunday afternoon nap during the football game.
Then I had children. And suddenly I was up until 11 pm, awake multiple times in the night, up and out of bed typically BY 6 am. And surviving. Tired some days, yes. But I would do this routine over and over. For the past 5 years.
Before children, I never understood how my mother would stay up watching Carson (or Leno) until 1 am and get up by 6 am to go to work. With four children, who at varying times would wake her for something in the night or because of illness.
It wasn’t until I had children of my own that I understood her late night tendencies. On one hand, she just is a night owl, even to this day she is up late. But on the other, I finally saw what the value in those late nights was – silence. Time to myself. After the kids are in bed, I can watch whatever I want on TV (no cartoons!), read, watch a movie with Andy, surf – anything.
Fortunately for me, my children are in bed early (but it means they are up early!). My quiet time happens early enough in the night that I can go to bed at a decent time. But most nights I still don’t. I write, or chat, or watch too much TV. But it’s my time. My silence.
The past couple of weeks have been busy with events and outings and restless nights thanks to colds, so lately I’ve been trying to go to sleep early (before 10 pm) at least 2 nights a week. I shut off the lap top (which means less writing, but I still surf on the phone!), watch some tv or read and crash early.
It’s beautiful.
Such a small change means that when I am out late or stay up late, I don’t feel terrible the next day. Taking that time for my body to regain much needed energy has proven very valuable.
Because the reality is this: No matter what time I go to bed, the children are up the same, early time the next day. So I have to work within that schedule 😉
Are you an early to bed or late to bed person? What are the mornings like for you?
Sleep is so, so important to me. I’ve always been an early to bed person (10 pm) only because I also have insomnia and wake up every morning at 4:00 a.m.-ish. Mostly I get my quiet time in the morning before everyone else wakes up. It’s a beautiful thing.
I’m a total night owl. But it catches up with you. Luckily I often get either a Saturday or Sunday to sleep in while my only son and my (only) wife go to the Farmer’s market. Unluckily, Farmer’s Market season is almost over.
I totally need that time, though. I try to make up for it sometimes, like last night when I went to bed at 9:00pm. But I woke up at 11:30pm and couldn’t get back to sleep; my body thought it was just some sort of evening nap. So I was up until 4:30am or so. Net result: 5.5 hours of sleep… not bad if I had just got them all “in a row”, but kinda miserable when broken into two chunks!