When was the last time you had a massage? Likely too long ago. Even though I am lucky enough to have some massage coverage with my health plan, I still don’t go as often as my body suggests I should.
It’s one of the most relaxing things I do. There are very few times when my mind completely lets go, and during a massage is one of them. I spend the first few minutes in the silence thinking about the rest of the day, the to-do list that’s waiting for me, the plans I should be making; but eventually, my mind wanders to a calming, peaceful, near-dream state. That’s the power of a massage.
I sit at a desk hunched over my laptop far too often these days, the job dictates it. Plus, years of nursing little ones and holding babies, toddlers and children have lead to some interesting things happening in my upper back. I know I need one.
Do you feel guilty when you book the massage? Sometimes I do. I need to take that hour and just go. I try not to calculate in my head if I’m over the benefits amount yet or not. Why would I push self-care so low on my list? I know better than that. I tell my friends they should go. I tell my husband to go, and yet, I hesitate for myself.
No more. Even better, now that Anne Belanger & Associates has opened up a location in Orleans, I have no more excuses. This is the third location for Anna, she also has a clinic on Bank Street and in Barrhaven. I have never had a massage like the ones I’ve received from her therapists. the clinic is lovely and the online booking system is easy to use.
I need another massage. Travelling and working at the laptop this summer are catching up with me, but I’m going to stop stressing about making the appointment and just do it. You should too.
We deserve it.