Kindness week is coming to Ottawa. It takes place from February 12 – 19 (although, kindness is encouraged all year long!)
I am very excited to be the Kindness Week Blogger. Next week, I’ll be writing some posts about events happening in the city, ways that I think we all can be kind, highlighting some cool resources on the website, and feature stories about how kindness has affected me and so on.
But, kindness involves more than just one person. It takes many. We should all be able to be kind to those in need, those we don’t know, and especially those who are special in our life.
To celebrate Ottawa’s Kindness Week, I am inviting ALL bloggers (Ottawa area and beyond) to participate in a Blog Carnival about kindness.
What do I write about?
Anything to do with kindness. How you’ve been kind to someone, how you were affected by a kind gesture? Did someone go out of their way to help you after a big move or the birth of a child? Did a stranger pay the difference at the grocery store when you were a few dollars short one day? Anything goes.
When do I post my story? Where do I post it?
If possible, post your story during Kindness Week, February 12-19th. Post it on your blog like you usually do, then post a link on the special blog page of the Kind Ottawa website. And if you like, let me know you’ve posted it. That way I can read it (yay!) and tweet about it 😉
Also, go to the Kindness Week website and snag a logo/banner like the one at the top of this post. Add it to your post too!
But I don’t live in Ottawa
No problem! Kindness happens everywhere, and while Ottawa may be celebrating our Kindness Week in a big way, you can participate and represent your town too – let’s spread the kindness!
To Do:
1-During the week of February 12-19th, write a post about kindness. (Grab a banner for your post or blog here)
2-Post your link on the website
Let’s spread the word about Kindness Week and how to be kind.
I really like this message from Rabbi Bulka, Kindness Week Chair, on the Kindness Week website: “We each have the ability to create the community we want. Make a conscious choice to contribute to a kind Ottawa.”
Who’s in? Please share your story!