Thanks so much CTV Ottawa Morning Live for having me on this morning to talk about simple ways to get kids active!
Active Health Kids Canada released a report about our kids not being active enough. You can see the news report here. So in my segment we chatted about low-equipment ways that we can get them active – just like we used to when we were younger.
Here’s the full segment! The Bit of Momsense Facebook page had some really good ideas and flash backs to our childhood too!! Feel free to join the conversation.
Good job Rebecca. Looked like you guys had way too much fun!
Thanks Cory!!
That was a very important topic you were addressing. It is very true that nowadays kids seldom get involved in activities that make them proactive. Good job, and I love the fact that you had much fun.
Thank you for the video you have shared us here and I guess a lot of people would be so interested with this.. I just hope a lot of people would benefit from this news..
It looks like you had much fun. Good job!