My son has been in speech therapy for a number of years now. He’s done private and now is seeing someone through the school. It’s been a highly positive experience. I credit having fantastic speech therapists but honestly I give my son most of the credit. He is willing to learn, willing to try and sees nothing embarrassing or wrong with getting help for his speaking and words (because there isn’t, but we are sensitive that for some kids this is a touchy subject).
Now, his 3.5 year old sister is entering the private system as well. This year, we started noticing some of the same word struggles he had, but even a bit more. We’ve now identified that she has a tongue tie, although we have to determine what to do about it. More to come on that.
Meanwhile, she started her class with my son’s private therapist yesterday. She was already familiar with the therapist because she often came to his appointments and would sit and read books during it.
She was VERY excited to go. Like my son, she is keen to try and learn and can be corrected without frustration. They see this as something very positive, and fun.
I suspect we have more work ahead with her than we do him, just because of the tongue issue and while she didn’t have speech delays, her clarity isn’t quite there.
But I feel lucky to have private coverage to begin their lessons and that both are so ready and willing to do it.
If you have any questions about our experiences, let me know!
Good for you, mom! This therapy time spent now will make an immeasurable difference for them in the future. So valuable! : )
I’m sure your son & daughter see their sessions as something positive due to a wonderful therapist and a fabulous Mom.
I think it’s so nice that you posted this and offered to help any other parents by being open to questions and sharing your experiences.