I love history. It may be why I studied it in University of course, but I find it fascinating. Certain aspects. I guess I definitely have my areas of interest, like most. But I love seeing my kids take a keen interest as well.
Despite my schooling in History, it’s my husband who possesses far more knowledge in the area. While I’m reading fictional books about vampires and romance, he’s reading non-fiction history. It’s always been an interest for him.
Now I’m especially happy to see the kids are interested as well, especially my son at the moment. For whatever reason, he’s taken an interest in the War of 1812. Probably because many of the areas we visit (Windsor, Niagara etc.) have had some role to play in that War and we take time to talk about monuments and so on.
History is also interesting because there are always a lot of ‘what’s that?’ questions.
When we went to New Brunswick and visited the NB Museum, we saw this.
I asked the kids what they thought it was and they didn’t know (not that I expected them too). But I snapped the picture because I thought it was fun. History can be fun that way, so many questions and ways to learn about our past.
Any guesses what the picture is of? Many of us will know from our own history lessons 😉
When I was a kid we had a slightly more modern version in our rec room that my sister and I were allowed to play with
I don’t know if my kids would even really know what to do with the kind I had as a kid, let alone this one from the turn of the century 😉