At the end of the summer, we were lucky enough to get a Leap Frog Leapster Explorer for my son to try out. It was great timing because we were looking at getting him one for his November birthday. We already were fans of Leap Frog, especially the Tag system (more on that later) but hadn’t gotten a handheld yet. He was just turning 4 and I wasn’t ready for the DS system etc.
It turns out, most of the things I thought I’d like about the Leapster Explorer, I do. The games are age appropriate (ranging from the Toy Story one that we bought, to Dora to Penguins of Madagascar and more) and also educational.
No. Really.
What’s neat is that the system integrates reading, spelling, math into their games. Plus, the activities are fun. So whether my son has the chance to launch Buzz Lightyear out of a canon and into the toy bin, or has to choose which letter he needs, he’s having fun.
What most impressed me was the use of fine motor skills with the stylus. For example, tracing letters or shapes is a really important skill for my son who has been having trouble with this. He is required to have some patience to move the pen around the circle etc. I especially was impressed with it.
The system itself comes pretty bare-boned. It has a code to download a simple game, so I bought one. Games are not inexpensive, but coupons and sales seem to help that (they may range from $20-$30 with coupon) but to me it’s a better choice than maybe a more advance gaming system that doesn’t have the same learning process.
There is a lot of requirement to download and interact with your computer so be prepared to do some work. However, the system is very user friendly and doesn’t take too long. The online website actually is pretty interactive, and after earning tokens etc. your child can get more activities downloaded to their system.
I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to have a hand held game just yet, but I’m happy we had the chance to try this one and I don’t mind adding on games as time goes on.
Verdict: It would certainly make someone very happy this holiday season, but be sure to also get a game with it.
However, if you don’t have the Tag Reading System, I suggest you consider that one first. Both of my kids love this system that allows an electronic pen to read stories and games in special books. The games are fun and educational and the story telling is superb. There is no better way to hear ‘Walter the Farting Dog’ than on the Tag Reader. If you’ve been eyeing this one, trust me, it’s great!
Great news! LeapFrog is now available for online shopping on their site. They have a sale, and until December 17th, free shipping on orders over $50!
*note, while I was given a Leapster Explorer to review, the thoughts and opinions are purely my own. The Tag system was a gift to my son from family last year and continues to be well loved – we buy new books all the time!