Tickets for Blissdom Canada (October 15-18) are on sale now, and if you saw on Facebook or in their newsletters, I am one of the fortunate people who have been asked to be a Blissdom Ambassador this year!
What’s that mean? It’s a variation on the old Community Leader role and first and foremost means I, and the other Ambassadors, are here to help answer your questions about the conference leading up to it and over the course of the weekend. Think of us like cheer leaders and coaches all in one – we want to help and answer your questions along the way.
I have a fun offer for you if you buy a ticket
Thinking about buying a ticket? One of my perks as an Ambassador is that I get a small affiliate bonus when you use my link to buy. This link. Open it, save it 😉
BUT, I want to make sure I say a thank you to you for not only using my link, but also investing in yourself. I GET it. This is a big decision. It’s the same thought process I have each year when I spend the money.
As a thank you, I am offering up a small gift to everyone who uses my link (just let me know if you use my link to buy your ticket and I’ll be in touch) And as time goes on I’ll probably add a few things.
Also, if you buy a ticket with this link, let me know so we can get excited together – and I can help answer any questions you have about getting ready for the conference.
In addition, I’m going to do a draw for a 1 hour one-on-one coaching session that will focus on your blog and social media in preparation for Blissdom for to lead you into the Fall. I will help one of you (maybe more 😉 to really maximize the weekend. I will help you take some steps so that you can see the ROI that I’ve seen in the past.
Naturally, whether you use my link or not, I want to help. So feel free to send me your questions, your concerns, etc. any time. That’s my job as an Ambassador! All of the ambassadors for Blissdom are a fun, welcoming group so you can catch any of us when you aren’t sure about something. It will be fun, and business focused 😉
Why should you attend Blissdom?
I’ve been to Blissdom every year but the first (and even for that one I had a ticket but ended up not being able to go). I wrote a post on their website last year about why I think it’s a good business investment. I’m boring that way. While I would love to tell you how much fun you’ll have (you will) and how nice it is to be in a room of other like-minded business people (it’s fantastic) and how there is inspiration seeping out of everywhere all weekend, I won’t just focus on that. Instead I can chat about it being a good business decision. Because at the end of the day, I can’t invest in these conferences (which we all know aren’t free) just for the fun of it. It doesn’t work for me that way.
We shouldn’t dismiss the fun aspect though. We work hard, and having fun and meeting up with friends from across the country has it’s own value. There is something so rewarding about being in a room of people who get what you do on a day to day basis and who together can inspire and motivate us. That is valuable. Every year I leave wanting to do better, work harder and improve in the blogging community.
No matter what, I do believe in investing in myself and my business. Maybe you are in a creative rut, maybe you are a new blogger, maybe you are a veteran blogger looking for your next project; whatever the case, this conference will cover that.
There’s also opportunity for ROI. Like it or not, it does come down to money for many of us when we make business decisions and in this case, the opportunity for ROI is great. I’ve met brands that I have worked with, partners, clients – the opportunities are what you make of them. It takes some work of course. But being there, in person, makes a difference, that’s one thing I’ve learned over the years.
Thinking about going? Make a plan for what you want to be doing with the blog or on social media in 3 months, in 6 months and in 12 months. This will help you determine what you want to take away from Blissdom.
Before you buy, check out this contest
NOW WAIT don’t buy your ticket yet. Right now Blissdom has a contest for those of you who have been before. They are looking for your success stories and by sending them in you have a chance to WIN your ticket. If you don’t win, then head back over and buy 😉 Enter by June 14!
Once you’ve bought your ticket, be sure to let me know so I can keep track for my draw and fun stuff, plus we can chat away!
Blissdom Canada is already shaping up to be huge this year. I really hope to see you there!
photo credits: from the Blissdom Canada flickr account
Disclosure: This post contains an affiliate link. And a lot of rambling 😉