Looking for something unique for your kids to do this summer? Our advertiser, the Museum of Civilization is offering day camp at The Children’s Museum?
Children aged 6-9 will be creating a theatre performance to be presented in the big Museum Theatre at the end of the week in front of family and friends. This is no ordinary drama camp – participants will also get to tour the museum exhibits and play in The Children’s Museum, see an IMAX movie, get a behind the scenes tour of the IMAX theatre and Museum Theatre plus there will be outdoor time. Also during the week will be a special visit from Théâtre de la Dame de Cœur to introduce the kids to their giant 8-foot tall puppets. Very exciting!
You can register your children for before and after care as well (visit the website for full costs and details)
To sign up for this imaginative and fun learning camp, please visit The Children’s Museum website for full details, including the FAQ fact sheet, information on how to sign up, full costs and dates the camp is running. Please note the July 16-20 is sold out and the week of July 23-27 was *this close* to being sold out when I was last in touch.
Sign up today to get your spot!