I’ve always been a library fan. I can remember my small town library. The smell, the feel when you first walked in. The silence. I loved browsing the books, staring at the cover images, selecting just the right one. Our small rural school traveled to the local library often for readings or selecting books. It was attached to our community centre, so it really was a hub for the village.
Since the kids were little, I’ve taken them to the library. We’ve even set one up at home for fun! Thanks to free parent and tot programs at our local library where the kids would enjoy circle time, storytelling and puppet shows, the library was an integral part of my motherhood experience. During the school year it’s been no different. We would go to read books after school, or as we do now, select something to read at home. As the kids have progressed in their French Immersion, it’s been an ideal resource for us to find new and interesting books in our non-first language. My son is usually drawn to the history book section, or the graphic novels, while my daughter has found a few series that she enjoys, when she doesn’t pick a cute looking book to browse.
Admittedly, they’ve also discovered the joys of borrowing video games. On long weekends especially, or during the summer, this is a very inexpensive way for me to let them have a little extra fun on their screens at no cost to me.
Just as important as introducing the kids to the library, I have rediscovered my own check out love. I have a small book shop addiction. I love buying new books. I have series upon series of books that I have purchased to flip through on my own and browse. The trouble is, that can be costly. I have gotten books at thrift shops, which certainly helps, but borrowing from the library is such a great way for me to find something new and interesting to read. There have been a few times when after reading part of the book I just wasn’t loving it and rather than stressing about how much I paid for it, I simply returned it and found another that I liked better.
As we enter the summer, all of us will be spending more time at the library and we really look forward to it.
How about you? Do you visit your local library often?