Last week, the kids and I went with another friend and her kids to The Mud Oven in Ottawa. It’s a pottery decorating/painting place that is really fantastic and fun (I’ll write up a full report about it in another post – the kids loved it and I want to go paint something myself!)
Each of my kids selected their items for painting. My son a puppy, and my daughter a unicorn. She’s really into unicorns.
She selected her paint colours. Pinks and purples, and sat down to start painting. She painted the mane, and the body of the unicorn, and add some people on the nose and when the unicorn was covered in paint she decided that she wanted eyes.
The eyes were already formed on the ready-to-go plaster statue, but she painted over them in purple along with the rest of the head and nose.
Her: “Mommy, she needs eyes”
Me: “Ok, baby, paint some on. What colour do you want?”
Her: “No, I need help. She needs eyelashes”
(I glance over and see the ‘demo’ unicorn does indeed have eyelashes and looks like a pony from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Me: “Ok, sweetie, I can put on some eyelashes”
(I mean, eyelashes like the one over on the demo was just an outline of black paint and curved up at the end with a centre dot for the pupil. It would be like putting on my own eye liner really. Right?)
So I painted on eyelashes. And then my friend tried to hide her laughter. Because I created this.

My daughter was having none of this.
Her: “MOM! She looks MEAN!”
Me: “erm, well, no, those are her pretty eyes! Do you want me to make her smile?”
Her: “ok!” (my children are far too trusting of my talents clearly)
That’s when demon unicorn got the smile you see above.
Her: “MOM!! She looks MAD! She’s mean. I want her to have happy eyes!!”
(daughter was clearly getting concerned that her mother couldn’t, in fact, make pretty My Little Pony eyes)
Realizing this isn’t going well I offer this:
Me: “Well, I can just get rid of this and try to give her different eyelashes. Would that work?”
Her: ‘Yes!”
And so I painted on little dashes for eyelashes. We haven’t picked up the unicorn yet so stay tuned to find out if we were able to bring demon unicorn back onto the side of good! Although, I will say, with her new lashes my daughter was happy.
We also all learned an important lesson. I shouldn’t be allowed to ‘help’ when children craft. For fear of giving them nightmares.
How about you? Creative and crafty or not so much? 😉
Too funny: My Little Demon.
Nice work, Rebecca! : D
I’m talented like that too. I went to a pottery workshop at a friend’s house and tried to make one of those tall pottery cups…
The result was not even close. It’s a pink and yellow vasey thing I use as a pencil holder. Not everybody ca be craftsy, right? : )
I can say I TRY to be crafty by honestly my kids are better than I am. They used to ask me to draw cartoon characters for them – most of those drawings were as questionable as my crate work. Ah well we can’t win em all!