Birthday celebrations in Ottawa have certainly looked different in the past few months, and even with some of the province opening back up birthday celebrations are still going to not be the same just yet.
The City of Ottawa is offering a virtual personalized message from Dexter the Dinosaur as a fun way to celebrate with your kids!
You simply have to contact them 48 hours in advance of the message.
To arrange for your message, contact the Ottawa Recreation and Culture Facebook page (I highly recommend following the page – they offer information about what’s happening in the City, activities for kids and more!)
If you’re not on social media and want a birthday message from Dexter, email them at rcfssocialmedia@ottawa.ca!
Dexter is also hosting dance parties as well. All of the information can be found on the Facebook Page!
For those of you planning special birthday surprises for your kids during this time, I’m thinking of you. I know how special these celebrations are, and we are all missing them but I know many parents are working hard to create that little bit of extra specialness this year.